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Camel Milk Revolution: Walqabana Cooperative & KCC Partnership

In the arid lands of Kulamawe, amidst the relentless sun, a quiet revolution unfolds.

Here, in the heart of Kenya’s camel-rearing heartland, the Walqabana Camel Milk Cooperative Society, in partnership with the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC), spearheads a transformative journey. Their latest endeavor—introducing camel milk powder to the local market—marks a significant milestone in the region’s agricultural landscape, promising to uplift livelihoods and enrich communities.

Camel milk from Isiolo at the Kenya Cooperative Creameries Kiganjo factory in Nyeri.

Harnessing Specialized Technology

Camel milk, renowned for its medicinal properties and high nutritional value, has long been a staple in the diets of many communities across the globe. In Kenya, where camel rearing is a way of life for many, the demand for camel milk has steadily increased. However, challenges such as post-harvest losses and limited value addition have hindered the industry’s growth potential.

Processing camel milk into powder requires specialized technology, distinct from that used for cow milk. With guidance from the KCC, the cooperative invested in state-of-the-art equipment and implemented stringent quality control measures. This ensures their camel milk powder meets the highest standards of safety and purity.

Quality Assurance and Market Access

Furthermore, the benefits of camel milk are well-documented, with research highlighting its potential in improving health and wellness. By producing camel milk powder, the Walqabana Cooperative aims to make this nutritious beverage more accessible to a wider audience, both within Kenya and beyond.

The success of this venture hinges on scalability and impact. To achieve this, the cooperative focuses on maintaining a consistent supply of high-quality camel milk. By adhering to strict milk quality standards and implementing robust assurance systems, they aim to build trust and credibility in their product.

Partnership with KCC

The partnership with the KCC has been instrumental in providing technical expertise and market access. With the KCC’s extensive network and reputation, the Walqabana Cooperative is well-positioned to navigate the complexities of the dairy industry and maximize their impact.

As camel milk powder hits the local market, the ripple effects are already felt. Farmers who once struggled to make ends meet now have a viable income source. Families access a nutritious and culturally significant beverage. And the Isiolo community as a whole stands on the brink of a brighter, more prosperous future.

The journey of the Walqabana Camel Milk Cooperative Society exemplifies what collaboration, innovation, and determination can achieve. As they forge ahead, they transform livelihoods and enrich communities, scripting a new chapter in Kenya’s agricultural narrative.

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