In a bid to strengthen the legislative capacity of its Members of County Assembly (MCAs), the Isiolo County Assembly has embarked on a comprehensive training program sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The initiative, officiated by Hon. Mohamed Roba Koto, Speaker of the Isiolo County Assembly, aims to empower MCAs and technical staff with the requisite knowledge and skills to enact impactful legislation and drive positive change within the community.
The two-day training program, held at the Three Steers Hotel in Meru, brought together key stakeholders, including Dr. Annette Schwandner, the KONRAD Country Director, and the Clerk to the County Assembly. With a primary focus on legislation geared towards enhancing service delivery for the common mwanainchi (citizen), the training equips participants with a deeper understanding of legislative processes and procedures, enabling them to develop and implement policies that address the needs of the community effectively, Hon. Mohamed Roba tweeted.
In my bid to enhance capacity of Members of County Assembly on their role of legislation, today I officiated a two day training programme for Members of the County Assembly and technical staff, sponsored by KONRAD Adenauer Stiftung and UNODC at Three Steers Hotel- Meru. Present…
— Mohamed Roba(MRQ), OGW, CSMP(R), M.ISMI (@Mrobkoto) March 18, 2024
By partnering with renowned organizations like KAS and UNODC, the Isiolo County Assembly demonstrates its commitment to fostering legislative excellence and promoting good governance practices. Through collaborative efforts and strategic capacity-building initiatives, the Assembly seeks to strengthen its legislative arm, thereby driving inclusive and sustainable development in the region. As the program unfolds, MCAs and technical staff are poised to emerge as catalysts for positive change, leveraging their newfound knowledge to enact meaningful reforms and uplift the lives of their constituents.
Amidst internal challenges that have hindered effective governance and service delivery, the Isiolo County Assembly is leveraging this capacity-building initiative as a catalyst for change. By equipping MCAs with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate legislative processes and enact impactful policies, the Assembly aims to overcome existing hurdles and foster a culture of collaboration, transparency, and accountability within its ranks.