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Governor Guyo – Delivering on his promise

On his inauguration Isiolo Governor reiterated that Isiolo people should judge him based on his achievements and he was categorical that he will not seek a second term if he won’t deliver on his pledges. A bold statement from a man who has shown great track record in terms of development from his early years in the murky Nairobi politics.

The Governor has made tremendous strides in delivering for Isiolo people evidenced with transformational initiatives with only two years in office. His administration has spearheaded huge socio-economic development especially in the provision of clean, safe and sustainable water for Isiolo people which was his main campaign plea. His administration had inherited a number of multi-million stalled projects which he committed to ensure their completion with the abattoir ready to be operationalized.

Access to Water

During the Jamhuri Day celebration the Governor noted that in the last year alone his administration had already completed 7 new boreholes in Akadeli, Kakili, Kiwanja, LMD, Malkagalla, Lakole and Dadachabasa. His administration has also successfully rehabilitated 27 boreholes with new pumps, motors, controllers, cables, draw pipes to ensure they benefit the locals.

The Governor has also overseen the rehabilitation of the Ndungu Zanguni Ewaso turbine and Duse pipeline a crucial water points that are now benefitting thousands of locals with adequate water supply. The refurbishment of the 800,000 litre water storage tank in Oldonyiro has also been vital in enhancing the water infrastructure for Oldonyiro residents.

The other notable water projects are; Qurukuchi, Iresaboru Water Pan, Garbatulla, Sericho water supply, Charabdicha, Matagari, aGafarsa and several others to be completed soon. The Governor has also embarked on a Ksh. 19.7 Million Sustainable Management and Access to Water & Sanitation Programme (SWASAP) which will benefit 1,700 households in Garbatulla, Charri, and Sericho wards with clean water and modernized sanitation.

His administration under the department of water has also formulated a 15-year water strategy meant to ensure Isiolo residents have access to clean, reliable and affordable water. As he continues into the other half of FY 2025/2025 Governor Guyo’s administration is committed to solving the water problem that has continued to bedevil the County for years.

Food Security and Distribution

His administration has been on the forefront supporting the residents in times of drought and the recent El-Nino rains with on time relief. During the El-Nino rains his administration distributed 268.392 metric tonnes of relief food to a total of 11,084 housseholds. The county also conducted medical airlifts to hugely affected areas of Malkagalla, Bassa, Sericho and Iresa Boru.

Health Sector

To ensure acesss to quality and affordable healthcare the Governor has opened new dispensaries at Chumvi Yare, Ngaremara, and Parkuruk in the FY 2023/2024. Mwangaza, Biliqi, Mogore and Gubatu dispensaries have also been renovated and equipped to promote healthcare at the grassroots level.  Garbatulla Hospital has received face lift with a new and modernized theatre with a surgeon to ensure residents are not forced to travel to the Isiolo County Referral Hospital.

The newly completed Emergency and Accident wing at the County Referral Hospital is a great development that will not only serve accident patients from Isiolo but as well as those from neighboring counties. The eye and dental units at the facility have also been expanded to accommodate more patients.

His administration has also recruited 60 nurses, 20 clincal officers, 16 social workers, 6 physicians, 3 radiologists and 15 nutritionists to ensure access to medical services. A new ambulance at Oldonyiro Ward will also boost in prompt referral cases thereby saving lives. To ensure prompt delivery of services the Governor has ensured on time delivery of medical supplies all across the County ensuring that patients receive medical care they deserve.


Land adjudication has successfully been undertaken in Garbatulla and about 3,500 tittle deeds are awaiting to be issued. Ngaremara residents have also benefited by receiving 7,000 tittle deeds as Governor Guyo continues to FastTrack the tittling process in order to ensure all residents receive the crucial documents. Through his efforts the National Land Commission is expected to issue 1,400 allotment letters to 7 municipality centres as well as accelerating the process of registration of designated Community Lands.

As the President arrives in Friday with more goodies to Isiolo residents Governor Guyo’s administration is committed in ensuring he delivers on his pledges. The transformative agenda of his government has started taking shop and in no time Isiolo County appears to destined for greatness.

Ali Edin is a Socio-political commentator from Isiolo.

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